Sunday, September 24, 2006

Worldwide Sketchcrawl #11

Originally started by Enrico Casarosa, it's a day for artists to get together and basically tour their city and do nothing but draw. (Check out the sketchcrawl website & forums). It happened yesterday, and we had a turn-out of almost 40 people here in Pasadena. It was fun; a beautiful hot day and got to meet some cool new people.
We all met up outside of Johnny Rockets in Old Town. I began the day by doodling birds. Why? I don't know.

Then we walked over to city hall.

And many of us ended the day in the afternoon at the Paseo.

These were all done in my teensy lil 4x4" sketchbook. Lotso fun; can't wait for the next one.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Hobo

I tried something different with this week's drawing club sketches; Since John Tucker is SO great at storytelling through his poses, I decided to make a little movie of my sketches. It's done in Flash, so you may need a player if you don't have one; and apologies if it takes long to load (it really shouldn't). It's a silly little thing, but I hope you enjoy. Click HERE!