Sunday, February 21, 2010

Food Chain

Some of my strangest ideas come to me right before I fall asleep late at night, when I"m overly tired but my mind won't let me sleep, or in the morning when I'm just about to wake up. This is one of those things. I have a couple more I need to do.


Cafe Pasadena said...

This is really great!
You reminds us of another reason why we K9's are kinder & more trustworthy than those pussycats.

Vince M said...

This one is the cat's meow, Nic. Love the subtlety of the gag.

Whitney Pollett said...

So cute! I can't wait to see the others! It would be cool if the wood was shaped like something too, like a bear or a dawg. haha
Love it!

Nicolette Davenport said...

haha! Cafe Pasadena, I'm allergic to cats, but I still likes em.
Thanks Vince - great new pic.
Miss Whitney! Glad to see you here. - Yes, I have a bear one in mind too.
But I get ADD before I finish anything, and I've already skipped it for other projects... for the time being. :)

Mademoizelle Margaut said...

I am the same... I get up in the night to put on my sheet ideas!
This illustration is funny and is a great idea !